Thursday, November 1, 2012

Instagram Flashback: October

1. There's my cute kiddos in their school uniform shirts -if you look closely one is wearing a praying mantis as a brooch. Stylish.
2. We harvested the rest of our little garden this month -and still have a large bucket of tomatoes in the fridge waiting to be made into tomato sauce. We roasted the carrots up with potatoes and peppers and onions. Teenagers even eat them -it's that good!
3. You didn't miss the launch of Benzie's two new colors did you? Love them! We also said goodbye to Sunset and Slate.
4. Benzie is also offering custom, multi-sized garlands in the handmade shop! Any 3 colors at 3 yards or try the 6 yards at a discount. Custom garlands are very popular on Benzie and now even easier to purchase!
5. The kids had several days off school -it was wonderful to have them home and confirmed even more that I'm a much better fit for school aged children! We had a fabulous time visiting family, crafting and loads of game playing (our current favorites being Chess, Go Fish, Uno and Farkle). We also tried waxing leaves by dipping them in paraffin wax. Just so you don't go to 6 stores like I did -you can find it in the candle aisle of big box craft stores.
6. Annie. I've been a Little Orphan Annie fan for years. I've seen the broadway production twice. I broke up with my boyfriend after each time (different boyfriend) -luckily I haven't made my husband see it with me. I want to keep him around for a while yet.

See you next month. For more instagram fun my name is @benziedesign.

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