Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Instagram Flashback: August

1. Last month of summer started out with a camping trip to the Indiana Dunes -the dunes were beautiful! The bogs not so much due to our lack of rain -but I love the other wonderfully made treasures found on our hikes!
2. Iowa. Isn't it beautiful?
3. The Mister and me. I love being married to him!
4. See those little ones? This pic marks my first day as a mother to school aged children! I'll be honest, the past 7 years haven't been all magical play-doh time and bedtime cuddles. I've got two of the most rotten, stong-willed, obstinate children on the face of the earth. But before you read me wrong -I say all those adjectives with much love and admiration for children come out much like their parents. I have and continue to be sanctified by my children. Now I give their teacher a turn. 
5. Did you know that lentils are high in iron? Especially the brown ones. Red are much prettier though!
6. What do I do all day with my kids in school?! I've been cleaning out closets, cooking and of course crafting! Feels so good!

Happy September everyone! 
More instagram love @benziedesign...

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